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HomeTECHNOLOGYDigital Footprint in 2024: What You Need to Know Now

Digital Footprint in 2024: What You Need to Know Now

The term “digital footprint” – also known as a digital footprint – sometimes called the digital shadow, or electronic footprint is a reference to the data trail that you create when together the web. This includes the websites you visit as well as emails that you transmit as well as information that you upload on the internet. Digital footprints are created by the user’s actions. digital footprint can be used to monitor a person’s online activities as well as devices. Internet users build their digital footprint either actively or by passively.

your footprint leaves behind of information, also known as the digital footprint. The footprint of your digital footprint can be created in a variety of ways. For instance, you can post on social networks, signing up to a newsletter, posting reviews online, and shopping on the internet.

There are times when it’s not evident that you’re creating the digital footprint. Websites, for instance, can observe your actions by putting cookies onto your device. Additionally, apps collect your information even without knowing about it. When you give an entity permission to gain access to your data the company could then transfer or sell your personal information with other parties. In addition the information you add to them might be compromised in the event of a breach in data.


Why do digital footprints matter?

Digital footprints play a role in:

  • They’re fairly permanent and after the information becomes accessible to the public or is semi-public as is in the case of Facebook posts – the person that owns them is not in control of what other people will do with it.
  • A digital footprint is a key indicator of an individual’s digital reputation. This is considered to be as significant as their offline image.
  • Employers are able to check potential employee’s digital footprints, including their online media accounts, prior to making hiring choices. Universities and colleges can verify the student’s digital footprints, before accepting the students too.
  • Photos and words you upload online may be misinterpreted, or changed or altered, which can cause an unintentional offence.
  • The material intended for a personal group may be shared with the wider community, potentially harming relationships and friendships.
  • Cybercriminals may be able to take advantage of the vulnerabilities of your digital footprint – with it for purposes like scams to access your accounts or generating fake identities on the basis of your information.

This is why it’s worth taking a look at the things you digital footprint says about you. People often try to limit the impact of their digital footprint by being cautious in their online actions in order to limit the amount of data which can be collected from the beginning.

Different types of digital footprint

Digital footprints are classified into two categories:

  • The active digital footprints are the data that which a person leaves deliberately. Users are conscious of the digital footprints that they leave behind since they’ve intentionally submitted data. One example could be a Facebook posting or a telephone call. In both instances, they leave behind a digital past that they’re conscious of.
  • The passive digital footprints comprise of information that a person leaves without intention on the internet. Visits to websites and actions, searches and purchase are just a few of the online actions that can add passive trace to create a digital footprint. The footprints of passive users are more difficult to monitor and control since they are able to be collected with or without consent of the user. When hackers collect data regarding a specific system this is called the footprinting.

Active digital footprint

The active digital footprint is comprised of everything that happens online as well as the data, assets and other information that it controls directly and deliberately. The active footprint includes things such as:

  1. The brand’s public-facing content including websites, social media pages blogs, adverts, as well as other media.
  2. Web-based services and applications developed and operated by an organization, such as clients’ portals and accounts for these applications as well as services.
  3. Hardware or software employed by employees to conduct business for the company including emails, cloud-based apps Endpoints owned by the company, as well as personal devices owned by employees that connect to the network of the company, whether inside or beyond the scope of an organization’s Bring your Own Device (BYOD) policy.
  4. Information that the company holds includes intellectual property, customers’ records and financial data.

Passive digital footprint

The footprint that is passive footprint is comprised of activities on the internet as well as data and assets which are linked to the organization but is not directly under the control of the company. These include:

  • Activities of the vendor and assets that connect to the company’s network, including applications from third parties that are employed in corporate apps, or endpoints used by service providers utilize on company platforms.
  • Shadow IT assets. These encompass all the devices and applications that are connected or used to the corporate network that are not subject to having the IT department’s approval or oversight.
  • Inactive IT assets which persist online despite the fact that companies no longer use these assets. For instance, old accounts on social media platforms, or old software installed on laptops used by the company.
  • Internet material created about the business by individuals outside of the business including news items as well as customer feedback.
  • Illicit assets that are created or snatched by threat actors in order to harm companies and hurt their reputation. For instance, an scam website which impersonates an company’s name to trick clients, or data stolen from the company that are leaked to the dark web.

Digital footprint examples

Internet users can have many items that are the part in their digital footprint. The ways the way that internet users contribute additional items digital footprint include:

Shopping online

  • The purchase of goods from online stores
  • Joining coupons for free or registering an account
  • downloading as well as together shopping apps
  • Joining newsletters of brands

Bank online

  • Making use of a mobile banking app
  • Selling or buying stocks
  • Signing up to financial publications as well as blogs
  • Credit card accounts can be opened by opening an account

Social media

  • Utilizing social media using your device or computer
  • Connecting to other websites together your credentials from social media
  • Making connections with contacts and friends
  • Connecting information, data and images with your friends
  • Signing up to a dating website or using an app

The news

  • Affiliating to an online news source
  • Accessing news articles through an app for news
  • A publication’s email newsletter
  • Sharing articles or information that you’ve read

Fitness and health

  • Utilizing fitness trackers
  • Utilizing apps to access health care
  • Inscribing your email address in an exercise facility
  • Subscribe to fitness and health blogs

Negatives from digital footprints

Digital footprints could help in providing benefit to Internet users. But the digital footprint can also offer certain negatives. Nowadays more than 81% of the population think they are convinced that dangers associated with data collection are greater than its benefits..

  • Some brands are even known to gather information without consent of the user. In addition, with 70 percent of businesses growing the volume of user data that they collect and store, it opens up more possibilities to misuse data. This is the same KPMG report shows that 30 percent of people are not interested in sharing their personal information due to any reason. This is in light of fears about online security..
  • The growing digital footprints also pose issues with cybersecurity. Cybercriminals are with a range methods to recieve access to users’ personal information on the internet. Typically attackers acquire access to people’s online accounts through the information they are willing to share. As an example, hackers may acquire access to the customer’s bank account online by posing security questions with answers that are sourced via the user’s digital footprint.

Sometimes the user’s digital footprint can also damage their reputation or result in the disclosure of details they wanted to protect.

Protect your digital footprint

Since colleges, employers, and other institutions can check your online profile so it’s best to keep an eye on what’s happening to your digital footprint. Here are some guidelines to protect your personal information in addition to managing your web image.

Utilize search engines to verify the details of your digital footprint

Input your name in Google or other search engines. Input your initial and last name, as well as any variants on spellings. If you’ve altered your identity, look for your current and previous names. The results of the search engine payoff can give you some idea of what data regarding you is available publicly. If you find that any result payoff reflect your profile in a negative light You can ask the administrator of the website to inquire about how they could take it off. The setting up of Google Alerts is one method to be sure that Google is keeping an eye on your personal information.

Reducing the number of sources of information that refer to you

In particular websites that sell real estate such as whitepages.com may have more details about your personal details than you would like sites may include details about you, such as your phone number, address and date of birth. If you are uncomfortable about this, reach out to the sites and request to have the data removed.

Be careful about the volume of information that you transmit

Each time you help in providing the personal details of an organisation, you expand the scope of your digital footprint. Additionally, you boost the chance that the company that store your information could misuse it, or be the victim of a data hack, which could put your information into the improper hands. Therefore, prior to submitting this form, you should consider whether it’s worthwhile. Do you have other methods to get that data or provide the service, that don’t require sharing of your information?

Check your privacy settings

The privacy settings of social media let you restrict who can view your posts. Examine these settings and assure they’re set to an amount you’re confident with. As an example, Facebook allows you to limit the posting of posts to friends, and create lists of users that can view certain content. But, remember the privacy settings will only safeguard users on the appropriate social media platform.


Beware of sharing too much in social media

Social media make it simple to make connections with other people, but it makes sharing information simple. Be cautious when sharing your travel or location and other private information. Be careful not to reveal your telephone contact number, email or address on the bios on your social media profiles. Also, it’s a good idea to not “like” your bank, health care service or pharmacy. This could lead hackers to access your accounts.

Beware of unsafe sites

You must assure that you are on an encrypted website. The URL should begin with https://, not http://. The “s” means “secure” and means the website has secured a Security certificate. It should also have an icon for a padlock to the right-hand side of the bar. Don’t share sensitive data on unsecure sites including payment details.

Beware of disclosing personal data via Wi-Fi public

The public Wi-Fi network is more vulnerable than the one you use at home because it isn’t known who has created it or who is following it. Be careful not to share personal data when together wireless networks in public.

Remove old accounts

A good way to limit the size of your digital footprint is by deleting older accounts like accounts on social media which you don’t use, or newsletters which you don’t read anymore. The removal of accounts inactive reduces the risk of security breaches.

Make strong passwords and utilize a password manager

A secure password is a must to benefit to assure your internet security. The perfect password is one that’s long, consisting of minimum 12 characters and at a minimum, more. It should also contain the combination of upper and lowercase letters as well as numerals and symbols. The more intricate and complex your password is, the more difficult it will be to break. Utilizing a password management program can benefit create, save and store all your passwords into one secure online account. Secure your passwords and avoid sharing your passwords with anyone else or noting them down. Be careful not to together your same password on each of your accounts. Also, ensure that you change your passwords regularly.

Pay attention to the medical records of your patients

Maintain a high level of data hygiene by regularly reviewing your medical health records. Criminals who steal identities target the health and medical information of patients along with financial information. When thieves use your information for medical treatments under your name, their medical records may be interspersed with yours.

Login with Facebook only if you are logged in. Facebook

Signing into apps and websites together Facebook is a convenient. When you login to a third party site together your Facebook credentials, you are giving the company permission to collect the Facebook users’ data, potentially making your personal information risk.

Make sure that your software is up to current

Software that is outdated could contain an abundance of digital footprints. In the absence of updated software hackers may acquire access to these data. Cybercriminals are able to recieve access to victim’s data and devices using vulnerabilities in software. It is possible to benefit to stop this from happening by keeping your software current. Software that is older may be more susceptible to attack by hackers.

Review your mobile use

Make a password on your device to ensure it cannot be used by anyone else if you do are unable to retrieve the device. If you install an app, be sure to read the contract. Most apps will disclose the kind of data they gather and the purpose it could be utilized to serve. They may collect private information like email addresses or location as well as your online activity. Make sure you’re satisfied with the information that is disclosed prior to using the application.

Be aware of your post before posting

The material you share or post on the internet conveys information about what you’re about, as can the information others share about your character. The details from the digital footprint, such as posted photos, blog posts or YouTube videos Facebook posts may not reflect the way that you want to be perceived. Make your positive digital footprint through posting only the things that enhance your self-image which you wish other people to notice.

Act fast after a breach

If you believe your personal information could have been compromised as a result of the event of a security breach, you must take action immediately. If financial losses are the result, call your credit or bank provider and report the security breach. Update any passwords that may have been compromised. If you have a password that you’ve used on various accounts, make sure you update your password across all accounts.

Tools for background checking

Employers have a range of tools for assessing their background. Some examples include the below:

  • MOSINT. MOSINT is an open source intelligence (OSINT) tool that can be used to analyze email addresses. The user can find out information regarding an email address. Employers are able to use MOSINT in order to confirm if an email is in existence and locate associated domains, social accounts as well as phone numbers and pastebin data.
  • Nexfil. Nexfil lets employers discover profiles based on usernames across the internet. Employers are able to enter their username, and then search the web to find accounts that have usernames matching.
  • Maigret. Maigret is another OSINT tool which companies may make use of to locate websites that are associated with a specific username.

Although individuals are typically focused on managing their own digital footprint, enterprises have numerous identities to take into consideration. Discover how organizations deal with three different types of digital identities on the web as part of their cyber security plans.

Privacy and digital footprints

  1. The past few years have witnessed an boost in awareness of data privacy since consumers become more aware of the way companies collect data on their data. Over the last year, state legislatures approved or voted on at least 27 privacy legislation online in order to ensure the rights of individuals to their personal information.
  2. Response of the consumer toward digital footprints is a mixed. Certain users appreciate digital footprints due to their capacity to provide a personalized digital experience. Many appreciate the fact that their footprint could positively influence the development of networks or skillful development.
  3. In contrast, enough consumers do not appreciate how businesses collect data from the information they collect from their digital footprints. Over 50percent of customers have been able to decide not to buy the product due to issues with safety.

Many businesses today use methods of data mining — as well as whole teams of data scientists -for analyzing consumer data. Companies use data to improve their customer online experience with targeted advertising. Some brands even offer the personal details of customers to advertisers from third parties.

Children in particular need to be looking to minimize the size of their digital footprint. In the example above, 45% of schools give every student computers; and an more 15 percent of schools permit students to bring the machines to home. Students using technology.. to enhance their learning should be aware of security of data.. in order to ensure digital wellbeing.

Your digital footprint could also expose you to cybersecurity threats that can compromise security of the user. Hackers have today access to a huge amount of private information that is accessible on social media and online. Hackers can utilize this data to procure access to banking information, profiles on social networks as well as other data that is sensitive.

Rajkumar Aarthi
Rajkumar Aarthi
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